North Causeway Bridge is Reaching New Heights

North Causeway Bridge in Fort Pierce, Florida, is currently under construction and will soon bring congestion relief to boaters and motorists. The old draw bridge built in 1963 is structurally deficient and needs major remodifications. When the new bridge is completed, it will eliminate delays for motorists waiting for the bridge to open and close. Boaters also will benefit from free water access and not having to wait for bridge openings. The new bridge will soar 85 ft. over the water, an increase over the 25-ft. clearance available in the old bridge. The new bridge will be 4,152 ft long (about half the height of Mount St. Helens) and is expected to cost $111 million with a completion date of late 2027.  

Vecellio & Grogan Inc, who specialize in heavy/highway, bridge and structures operating in the mid-Atlantic and southeast United States, is the contractor awarded the job of completing the North Causeway Bridge. For this project Vecellio & Grogan (V&G) will install 347 concrete piles, each weighing between 22 and 47 tons, and will be utilizing an ICE® 44B Vibratory Hammer mounted to a Liebherr model LR1300 330-ton crane with a 170-ft. boom to install them. The ICE® 44B will also be used to drive sheet piles to create a cofferdam system that will allow safe and dry working conditions for the V&G crew. Interestingly, portions of the old draw bridge will be material for environmental benefit by utilizing them to bolster an existing artificial reef about 4 miles northeast of the Fort Pierce inlet. This addition to the reef will benefit all types of local sea creatures such as crabs, fish and the native coral that is imperative to the area's wildlife. 

Not only will the new North Causeway Bridge benefit motorists and boaters, but it will benefit pedestrian traffic as well. Both sides of the bridge will have a new 8' (ft) shoulder which will include bike lanes and sidewalks for safe and easy access across the bridge providing stunning views of the intercoastal waterway and the Fort Pierce area. International Construction Equipment, Inc (ICE®) is delighted to be a part of the North Causeway Bridge project and applauds the entire Vecellio & Grogan Inc. team for their dedication to efficiency and safety. Once this new high-level fixed span bridge is completed, it will enhance the traffic flow both underneath and across the bridge providing an easier and safer connection for all who traverse it.  

Learn More about the ICE® 44B 


Media Contact-              
Pollyanna Cunningham, MA, MBA              
Vice President Marketing, Brand and Media Relations  
Vice President IT and IT Comm         
ICE® - International Construction Equipment, Inc              
Office - 704-821-8200          Email - 

Posted in Vibratory Pile Hammers. Tagged as #BridgeRenovation, Elevated Highways, ICE 44B, ICEUSA, Marine Foundation, Vibratory Pile Hammer.

Largest High-Speed Rail Structure in US Chugs Along - Hanford Viaduct

The Hanford Viaduct, located in Kings County, California, is currently under construction to bring high-speed rail to commuters of Hanford, CA. The Hanford Viaduct is the largest high-speed rail structure in the Central Valley spanning nearly 6,330 feet (about twice the height of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world). When complete, it will carry high-speed trains over the San Joaquin Valley Railroad and State Route 198. This section of the high-speed rail line will be a part of the connection between Los Angeles and San Francisco with the system eventually extending to Sacramento and San Diego, totaling 800 miles with up to 24 stations.  

Forefront Deep Foundations, who has expertise in pile driving since 2015, have been awarded the job of completing the Hanford Viaduct. For this project, Forefront chose to utilize an ICE® I-46 Diesel Hammer from International Construction Equipment, Inc, (ICE®) to drive the steel H piles for the viaduct's foundation. The ICE® I-46 Hammer was selected due to its 10,141 lbs (about half the weight of a school bus) of ram weight along with the capability of generating 35-52 blows per minute. Making this powerful hammer the perfect choice to help the Forefront crew drive the piles to tip in a safe a timely fashion. Once completed, the train line will sit on top of these H piles above the ground allowing uninterrupted travel for the locomotive, reaching speeds close to 200 mph!  

Due to freight companies owning and prioritizing the usage of railroads, the United States, as a whole, have very few high- speed rail lines. This commuter only rail line is sure to create a faster and less stressful way for citizens to get to and from California's largest cities. Forefront Deep Foundations crew have done a fantastic job with the construction progress of the Hanford Viaduct so far and when completed will offer a much-needed alternative mode of transportation in the area. Keep on chugging along, Forefront, ICE® salutes you! 

Learn more about the ICE® I-46 Diesel Impact Hammer 

Media Contact-               
Pollyanna Cunningham, MA, MBA               
Vice President Marketing, Brand and Media Relations   
Vice President IT and IT Comm          
ICE® - International Construction Equipment, Inc               
Office - 704-821-8200          Email - 

Posted in Diesel Impact Pile Hammers. Tagged as High Speed Rail Construction, ICE I-46 Diesel Hammer, ICEUSA, Infrastructure, Light Rail, Rail work.

ISD Expands Turks & Caicos

A $53 million redevelopment of South Dock located along the southern coast of Providenciales in Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) is currently underway. The South Dock, which is the main gateway for cargo, handles approximately 95% of all foods, fuel, and building materials that enter the TCI. This is part of the government's efforts to update infrastructure, capacity issues, and port safety challenges. These improvements represent a much-needed investment that will boost TCI's infrastructure, tourism, and economy. In its current state, the port is congested with vessels queuing, which creates inefficiencies and higher operating costs. To assist with this blockage and eliminate the risk of becoming a 'bottleneck' to further development on this Island, a wider and more modern pier is being created to allow significant expansion of the area. 

Subcontractor Island Site Development (ISD) has been awarded the job of completing a combi wall for the port's new pier. A combi wall is a combination of sheet pile walls and steel pipe piles that are great for marine applications where extra support and stiffness are needed. This new pier will be approximately 374' (ft) long, varying between 98.4' (ft) and 131.2' (ft) in width. After discussing with their International Construction Equipment, Inc. (ICE®) Sales and Service Team, ISD decided that an ICE®44B Vibratory Hammer paired with an ICE® D50 Diesel Impact Hammer would be the perfect equipment to use to install the combi wall. Due to the highly densified sand and coral layers, a dual hammer approach provided the best results to increase production with the ease and speed of the vibratory hammer to line up the combi wall and drive the initial piles. This Dual hammer approach is based on two different types of hammers; vibration versus impact. As both of these hammers have a driving force of 207 tons, it made the ICE®44B and ICE® D50 a great combination for this type of marine project and helped Island Site Development crew to remain on schedule.

The Turks and Caicos Islands are some of the most visited islands in the Caribbean region when it comes to tourism. By providing a platform for businesses to thrive and expand, it will unleash the full potential of this beautiful country, opening new horizons of opportunity and prosperity. International Construction Equipment, Inc. (ICE®) is elated to be a part of the new port and pier improvements and cannot wait to see the finished project! Bravo, ISD! Your work on this historic project is sure to create a more efficient and safer harbor for the region's goods and services.

Media Contact-    
Pollyanna Cunningham, MA, MBA    
Vice President Marketing, Brand and Media Relations 
Vice President IT and IT Comm 
ICE® - International Construction Equipment, Inc    
Office - 704-821-8200    
Email -   

Posted in Diesel Impact Pile Hammers, Vibratory Pile Hammers. Tagged as 44B Vibratory Hammer, Dock building, ICE 50D Diesel Impact Hammer, ICEUSA, Infrastructure, International Pile Driving, Marine Foundation.

Lakes & Rivers Strengthens the "Heart" of Burns Harbour

Burns Harbor, located in Northwestern Indiana along the shore of Lake Michigan, is a major artery in the steel industry's heart. Handling over 15% of all U.S. steel trade with Europe as well as other commodities such as limestone, grain, various chemicals, fertilizers, and coal. This port also accommodates international ships via the Great Lakes connection to the Atlantic Ocean and barges via inland river links to 38 states and the Gulf of Mexico. Due to its critical function, this essential port is currently receiving over $77 million for infrastructure and expansion projects. Some of the fundamental parts of this project will include the construction of a highway bridge entering the port, three new ship berths, a new bulk warehouse, two new railyards, and an industrial site development throughout the 600-acre port. Such a strategic location will provide local steel, agriculture, and manufacturing businesses with the opportunity to grow within the port's footprint. 

Earlier this year, Lakes & Rivers Contracting (L&R) was chosen for this monumental project and has been given the task of installing pipe piles for the future site of an additional ship unloading area. Specializing in marine and heavy construction projects, the experts at Lakes & Rivers knew that they would need a powerful and reliable hammer to drive the 36" (in) Dia x .75 x 100' (ft) wall spiral weld pipe piles needed to install eight piles on a 3:1 batter for the new ships mooring.  L&R, however, did not own a hammer big enough for these piles and capacity; and due to them being in the water offshore leads were preferable over swinging leads. After speaking with their International Construction Equipment, Inc. (ICE®) Sales and Service Team, they decided that an ICE® I-62 Diesel Hammer with offshore leads would be the perfect piece of equipment for this project. There were some job-site challenges. Custom hammer rigging was made so the ICE® I-62 Hammer and Offshore Leaders would hang correctly on the 3:1 batter. All work had to be completed offshore, including driving the test pile driven to 400 tons (ultimate capacity) and a relatively tight timetable. Lakes & Rivers Contracting was thrilled that ICE® was able to provide the equipment and accessories when needed for the job, helping to keep them on schedule. Now completed, this new berthing area will allow additional locations for offloading ships and help improve docking operations. 

As these new expansion and infrastructure projects are finalized, new business is sure to flourish in the region, providing many jobs such as truck drivers, dock workers, operation engineers and construction workers. The investment in Burns Harbour will also strengthen port customers' businesses, solidifying the area's importance to the US economy. International Construction Equipment, Inc. (ICE®) is immensely proud to be a part of this fresh look that the Harbour is receiving and celebrates Lakes & Rivers Contracting on a job well-done! Kudos to the entire team! The visitors and residents of Indiana and Michigan are surely looking forward to the growth and positive economic impact on the surrounding area. 

Learn more about the ICE® I-62 and our line of ICE® Leads & Spotters

Media Contact-               
Pollyanna Cunningham, MA, MBA               
Vice President Marketing, Brand and Media Relations   
Vice President IT and IT Comm          
ICE® - International Construction Equipment, Inc               
Office - 704-821-8200          Email - 

Posted in Diesel Impact Pile Hammers, ICE Team. Tagged as Driven Piles, ICE I-62 Diesel Hammer, ICEUSA, Infrastructure, Leads and Spotters, Marine Foundation, Port Expansion.

NY's Clean Energy Hub Assures Bright Future

The future of clean energy in the New York region looks very promising. Consolidated Edison Inc, (Con Edison), one of the world's largest energy delivery systems, is building the Brooklyn Clean Energy Hub. This "Hub" will be a transmission substation that will strengthen New York's power grid. Once completed, it will help them meet the region's growing demand for electricity and serve as a gateway for offshore wind power. Con Edison has served New York for 200 years and has a record of designing, building and operating complex, technologically advanced energy projects. The hub will serve as a critical plug-in point for future offshore wind infrastructure and will be able to accommodate up to 1,500 megawatts or enough electricity to power 750,000 homes.  

In January 2024, Skanska USA broke ground as the subcontractor for Keller Group to work on the transformation of the 73-acre marine terminal that will include the demolition of existing buildings, ground improvements to support the staging of the wind turbine components, installation of underground utilities, and upgrades to site lighting, security, and safety systems, and the installation of two new heavy-lift crane pads. Skanska will also carry out significant waterfront and marine upgrades, including the dredging of new and existing berths, bulkhead upgrades and installation of new wharf and dock facilities. Further construction of a new 85,000-square foot (7,905 sq m) operations and maintenance building which will be constructed five feet higher than the 2015 FEMA 100-year flood elevation criteria and is engineered to withstand winds up to 130 miles per hour will also be completed. For the most current portion of the project, the experts at Skanska USA decided that an ICE® 66C Vibratory Driver from International Construction Equipment, Inc. would be the perfect piece of equipment to drive the 60' (Ft) sheet piles needed to create the cofferdams for the substructure of the new Con Edison facility. The ICE® 66C has a 245-ton driving force and has a maximum frequency of 1600 VPM, enabling the Skanska crew to place the sheet pile to grade quickly and safely. 

In the future, this substation will not only offer connections for offshore wind energy but will also represent a significant step toward achieving New York's electric goals. By investing in clean and renewable energy sources, it not only protects our environment but also creates much-needed union jobs and supports economic growth in the surrounding communities. International Construction Equipment, Inc. is thrilled to be part of this project and congratulates the Skanska team on a job well done so far. Aiming to be completed by summer 2028, the new Brooklyn Clean Energy Hub will have a sleek design, solar panels, and a green roof, which will make it an eye-catching facility along the East River. In addition to benefiting directly from a reliable supply of clean energy, the project will also benefit surrounding neighborhoods economically by adding solid union jobs both during construction and long-term to run and maintain the site. 

Learn more about the ICE® 66C Vibratory Driver.


Media Contact-    
Pollyanna Cunningham, MA, MBA    
Vice President Marketing, Brand and Media Relations 
Vice President IT and IT Comm 
ICE® - International Construction Equipment, Inc    
Office - 704-821-8200    
Email -   


Posted in Vibratory Pile Hammers. Tagged as Clean Energy, ICE 66C, ICEUSA, Offshore Wind Farm, Power Source, Vibratory Pile Hammer.