Connecticut Commuters Read All About It

Strategically placing a billboard can be one of the more effective ways to gain customers and popularity for a company that is trying to grow. Areas where there are high traffic volumes tend to be the common ground where you would find a billboard placed. Recently, a new billboard was installed in Meriden, CT, where Colony Street intersects with I-691. Colony Street runs underneath the interstate giving the billboard a more eye level view for commuters on I-691. Meridian has a population of roughly 61,000 people and is the halfway point between New Haven and Hartford, CT. The newly installed billboard will be seen by thousands of drivers daily due its proximity to I-691 and the I-91 interchange, which is the main thoroughfare for commuting to New York City.  

Ultra - Lum Services, LLC has overseen the installation of the billboard and has been servicing the Outdoor Billboard Industry since 1998 with service areas in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania. For this particular project, they opted to once again partner with International Construction Equipment, Inc, (ICE®). The equipment being used to drive the foundation for this billboard was an ICE® 44B Vibratory Hammer paired with an ICE® 580T Power Unit, chosen for its 165-ton driving force. Once the 48" (in) by 52' (ft) cylindrical caisson foundation was installed, the billboard then rests on top, allowing for many years of advertising space. 

According to the Arbitron National In-Car study, 71% of people consciously look at billboards while driving and 58% of viewers physically went to the event or business after seeing the billboard advertisement. With stats like these, billboards are not going anywhere soon. This will have been Ultra - Lum Services, LLC and International Construction Equipment, Inc ICE® 38th billboard installation together! Bravo, Ultra- Lum Ultra - Lum Services, LLC! ICE® is proud to have provided the equipment for another successful billboard fitting. We look forward to our continued partnership and applaud you on your success. 


Learn more about the 44B and the 580T. 



Media Contact-             
Pollyanna Cunningham, MA, MBA             
Vice President Marketing, Brand and Media Relations          

Vice President IT and IT Comm          

ICE® - International Construction Equipment, Inc             
Office - 704-821-8200          Email - 



Posted in ICE Team, Vibratory Pile Hammers. Tagged as Billboard Installation, ICE 44B, ICE 580T Power Unit, ICEUSA.

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