ICE® I-125 Driving Against the Current

ICE® I-125 Driving Against the Current 

Editor: Debbie Reaney 

Recently, the Buckeye, LLP Terminal in Jacksonville, FL expanded their docking locations to facilitate the movement of more cargo. This terminal is primarily used for liquid petroleum products, which are in high demand as the spring and summer travel seasons approach. The overall project purpose was to make changes to the existing dock to improve the mooring for oil carrier vessels. The dock improvements support operations at the Buckeye Terminal oil import/export facility located on the adjoining upland parcel. 

The Orion Marine Group was contracted to place 3 new dolphins. Two new mooring dolphins that will allow ships to dock and unload without having to pull up to the port directly, and one new breasting dolphin that will help keep ships sheltered from collisions. The dolphins were all created using an ICE® I-125 diesel pile driver, which was able to successfully drive 66" diameter caissons, up to 120 ft in length. By utilizing the strength of the ICE® I-125, the customer was able to drive piles to grade without the need to swap out equipment. This saved the crew time and enabled them to contend with heavy ship traffic and strong currents on the waterway more easily. 

Thank you to the Orion Marine Group for choosing ICE®'s dependable equipment to safely and efficiently complete your project, as well as enabling us to help you build upon your reputation for customer excellence.  Our ICE® team looks forward to supporting you again in the future. 

Learn more about the ICE® I-125

Media Contact-  
Pollyanna Cunningham, MA, MBA  
Director Marketing, Brand and Media Relations  
ICE® - International Construction Equipment, Inc  
Office - 704-821-8200  
Email -  


Posted in Diesel Impact Pile Hammers. Tagged as #ICEI_125, Diesel Pile Hammer, Dock building, ICE I-125, Pile Driving.

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