The Port of Baltimore Grows
March 9, 2022
Editor: Ashley Steele
The Port of Baltimore is one of the nation's busiest seaports, handling all types of cargo and passengers at its facilities. As the COVID pandemic continues, ships are being diverted to this Baltimore location to be unloaded and reloaded, due to other ports lacking the capacity. Currently in the execution phase of a $200 million project in marine construction, dredging, and infrastructure upgrades, the Port of Baltimore supports over 150,000 jobs and brings in over $3 billion (about $9 per person in the US (United States)) in revenue annually.
Much of this marine construction work will be performed to deepen the port for larger vessels and to repair and replace existing older structures. With over 70 years of experience in the industry, Cianbro was awarded the job of placing the foundation work for these large projects. Cianbro looked to the reliable team at ICE® to assist in providing the right equipment for the job.
The ICE® 44B Vibratory Pile Driver/Extractor was brought into place 30" pipe piles for a template at the Port. Once the template is created using the caissons, they will be filled with rebar and concrete to create sturdy foundations for this marine job. The ICE® 44B is a titan in the industry, known for its incredible driving force, applicable to diverse soil conditions and foundation applications. Cianbro will be utilizing this ICE® pile driver for much of this project in a multitude of ways.
ICE® is proud to have equipment being selected by operators for such exciting infrastructure projects. We are thrilled to be a part of not only keeping commerce flowing but also feel like we are creating more jobs and pumping revenue into the economy. As the Port of Baltimore continues to grow, ICE® will be there to provide equipment to ensuring a durable foundation for its prosperous future.
Media Contact-
Pollyanna Cunningham, MA, MBA
Director Marketing, Brand and Media Relations
ICE® - International Construction Equipment, Inc
Office - 704-821-8200
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