Private Docks in Palm Beach

Murray Logan Construction, now part of the Vecellio Group, specializes in heavy construction and has a formidable reputation in Southeastern Florida. Recently, Murray Logan has been involved in a significant project in West Palm Beach. This project includes bulkhead repair, removal of an old dock, and the construction of a new dock in a luxury residential area. This work was crucial for maintaining the structural integrity and functionality of the private waterfront property. It also hi ... Read more

ISD Expands Turks & Caicos

A $53 million redevelopment of South Dock located along the southern coast of Providenciales in Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) is currently underway. The South Dock, which is the main gateway for cargo, handles approximately 95% of all foods, fuel, and building materials that enter the TCI. This is part of the government's efforts to update infrastructure, capacity issues, and port safety challenges. These improvements represent a much-needed investment that will boost TCI's infrastructure ... Read more

44VM Promotes Safer Petroleum

The Perth Amboy Refinery was built in 1920 by the Barber Asphalt Company. Located between Convery Boulevard and State Street in Perth Amboy, NJ, the refinery contains over 100 years of history. In 1945, Chevron Corporation bought the plant from Barber Asphalt and started producing more products such as gasoline and heating oil.  For the next 29 years Chevron would continue to expand and ended up with a refining capacity of 80,000 barrels in 2008. Chevron sold its operations to Bucke ... Read more

America’s Maritime Guardians

America's Maritime Guardians  Editor: Allison Braswell   The United States Coast Guard is the nation's lead agency for maritime search and rescue operations, defense against transnational crime and terrorism, protection of marine species and habitats, and commander of many other missions that enforce federal laws on the water.  41 active-duty personnel and four enlisted reservists currently lodge at the U.S. Coast Guard Station in Grand Isle, LA. Th ... Read more

ICE and Easy Does It

ICE and Easy Does It Contractor Constructs Dock on Frozen Lake Editor: Allison Braswell  A little ice doesn't snow down Price Marine Construction, who was hired to build a dock on the recently frozen Upper Prior Lake in Prior Lake, MN. After 2 or 3 weeks of freezing temperatures, a solid sheet of ice will begin to form on a lake. How safe it is to walk on a frozen lake is determined by the thickness of the ice. If the ice is less than four inches thick, then it is susceptible to bre ... Read more

Floating Dock on Dorchester Bay

Floating Dock on Dorchester Bay Editor: Allison Braswell  Located on Dorchester Bay and just seven miles south of Boston, Safe Harbor Marina Bay in Quincy, MA offers its members an unparalleled nautical experience. Its 686-slip marina grants access to northern New England's pristine waters, while members can also be entertained by upscale restaurants and lounges along the boardwalk.  Safe Harbor Marina Bay is expanding its fun-filled atmosphere by adding another floa ... Read more

Repairing the Path to Lady Liberty

Repairing the Path to Lady Liberty Editor: Allison Braswell Every day of the year except for Thanksgiving and Christmas, around 10,000 tourists catch a ferry at either the Battery Park Terminal in New York or the Liberty State Park Terminal in New Jersey to view the awe-inspiring Statue of Liberty--a universal symbol of the United States' journey to freedom and a life free from injustice. Since 1886 when France gifted "Liberty Enlightening the World" to the U.S., it has stood on Libe ... Read more

New Fenders to Fuel the World

New Fenders to Fuel the World Chevron Oil Refinery Marine Fenders Editor: Allison Braswell    Cargo ships can take up to ten hours to dock because of their vast size. With all the tedious maneuvering it takes to position the vessel in the berth, what keeps these marine giants from crashing into the dock? Collisions between ships and platforms or other installations in offshore oil and gas fields can have catastrophic effects, and as such is a cause of growing concer ... Read more

ICE® Eases Atlantic Traffic

ICE® Eases Atlantic Traffic Delaware River Dock Editor: Allison Braswell 80 percent of global goods are now transported by sea--and a third of those shipments are oil. Why does this matter?  Electronic commerce has caused the volume of ocean shipping to rise, but the number of seaports has not. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses closed their brick-and-mortar locations. Shipments at docks were abandoned, leaving exporters with fewer shipping containers to us ... Read more

ICE® I-125 Driving Against the Current

ICE® I-125 Driving Against the Current  Editor: Debbie Reaney  Recently, the Buckeye, LLP Terminal in Jacksonville, FL expanded their docking locations to facilitate the movement of more cargo. This terminal is primarily used for liquid petroleum products, which are in high demand as the spring and summer travel seasons approach. The overall project purpose was to make changes to the existing dock to improve the mooring for oil carrier vessels. The dock improvements sup ... Read more