The rapid growth of Taiwan has led it to become the 20th largest economic power in the world. With a population of 23 million (about the population of New York), Taiwan has had to expand and upkeep its infrastructure to meet international and local demands. Taiwan's total trade in 2022 reached $907 billion (about $2,800 per person in the US). Both exports and imports for the year reached record levels, totaling $479.52 billion (about $1,500 per person in the US) and $427.60 billion (about ... Read more
Replacing the Historic Black Hawk Bridge
$140M Mississippi River bridge reconstruction project will change landscape of Lansing
Edited by: Debbie Reaney
A new bridge is being developed to replace the cantilever bridge called the Black Hawk Bridge, named after Chief Black Hawk in Lansing, IA., one of the most unique historic bridges in the country. The key detail is the fact that the suspended span of the bridge is only connected at the bottom with no connection (visual or str ... Read more
New Bridge & Protected Fish
Editor: Debbie Reaney
Vancouver-based contractor, Cascade Bridge, who specializes in bridge construction and rehabilitation was recently chosen to replace the century-old Cherrylane Bridge off U.S. Highway 12 near Lenore, ID. The original Cherrylane Bridge, which sees approximately 350 vehicles a day, is 15.4 feet wide and stretches 788 feet across the Clearwater River. Constructed in 1919 and last rehabilitated in 1978, ... Read more
Connecting the Crossroads of America
Long-Awaited Interstate Rehaul Enters Final Phases
Editor: Allison Braswell
For the last leg of a project that has been decades in the making, the State of Indiana rewarded more than $1 billion in construction contracts to finally complete the reconstruction of Interstate 69 between Evansville and Indianapolis. First imagined in the 1970s and beginning in 2008, this $4-billion project on the 142-mile corridor has created new loc ... Read more
Foundations Keeping the Lights on in Ohio
Editor: Debbie Reaney
A substantial portion of Interstate 75 near Dayton, OH has been undergoing major improvements to meet new and improved safety standards. The construction of new roadways and overpasses has created a need for changes to surrounding overhead power lines. Sufficient ground clearance between power lines and the highway is necessary to allow the tallest vehicles to pass without danger. If these lines were ... Read more