Terminal Cuenca del Plata (TCP) has awarded the development contract for Cuenca del Plata terminal at Montevideo Port, Uruguay to the consortium of Jan de Nul, Mota-Engil and Stiler. TCP, a joint venture between Katoen Natie (80%) and the National Ports Administration of Uruguay (20%), is responsible for the expansion of the terminal.
This ambitious project is being spearheaded by a joint venture between Jan de Nul, Mota-Engil, and Stiler. Jan de Nul is renowned for its ex ... Read more
The Perth Amboy Refinery was built in 1920 by the Barber Asphalt Company. Located between Convery Boulevard and State Street in Perth Amboy, NJ, the refinery contains over 100 years of history. In 1945, Chevron Corporation bought the plant from Barber Asphalt and started producing more products such as gasoline and heating oil. For the next 29 years Chevron would continue to expand and ended up with a refining capacity of 80,000 barrels in 2008. Chevron sold its operations to Bucke ... Read more
Trench is Pickin' Up Good Vibrations
Vibration Reduction Method at Harvard U is a Huge Success!
Editor: Allison Braswell
Harvard University in Cambridge, MA
Allied Pile Driving is conducting a supportive excavation for a new laboratory building on campus that will provide more space for students to engage in world-class scientific research. They are creating a temporary earth retaining system by using two ICE® 44 Variable Mome ... Read more