Burns Harbor, located in Northwestern Indiana along the shore of Lake Michigan, is a major artery in the steel industry's heart. Handling over 15% of all U.S. steel trade with Europe as well as other commodities such as limestone, grain, various chemicals, fertilizers, and coal. This port also accommodates international ships via the Great Lakes connection to the Atlantic Ocean and barges via inland river links to 38 states and the Gulf of Mexico. Due to its critical function, this es ... Read more
Soil Improvement Modernizes Mexico
Edited by Debbie Reaney
Ingenieria Proyectos y Construcciones IPC SA de CV (IPC), a leader in maritime and groundwork construction across Mexico, is working on a particularly important soil improvement job in Hormiguero (near Paraiso) Tabasco Mexico. Once completed, the area will be utilized by the Mexican Navy/Marines to construct new modernized barracks and education buildings.
This soil improvement tec ... Read more
Granite/Parsons/Corman, a Joint Venture (GPC), formed an integrated team with expertise in innovative solutions for the development and design of bridge and traffic maintenance. In November 2017, GPC was awarded the Interstate 64 (I-64) Southside Widening and High-Rise Bridge, design-build contract by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). It is the largest design-build project to date for VDOT with a contract worth approximately $410 million. Construction began in Summer 20 ... Read more