Terminal Cuenca del Plata (TCP) has awarded the development contract for Cuenca del Plata terminal at Montevideo Port, Uruguay to the consortium of Jan de Nul, Mota-Engil and Stiler. TCP, a joint venture between Katoen Natie (80%) and the National Ports Administration of Uruguay (20%), is responsible for the expansion of the terminal.
This ambitious project is being spearheaded by a joint venture between Jan de Nul, Mota-Engil, and Stiler. Jan de Nul is renowned for its ex ... Read more
A Mixed Cargo Terminal at the Port of Veracruz in Mexico is being built and is expected to have a significant positive impact on trade and logistics in the region including enhanced capacity, improved connectivity, economic growth, expansion of international trade, and a competitive advantage that will strengthen Veracruz's position as a leading port in Mexico. As part of the port project of the century, this new terminal will significantly enhance the port's capabilities, making it a cruc ... Read more
Burns Harbor, located in Northwestern Indiana along the shore of Lake Michigan, is a major artery in the steel industry's heart. Handling over 15% of all U.S. steel trade with Europe as well as other commodities such as limestone, grain, various chemicals, fertilizers, and coal. This port also accommodates international ships via the Great Lakes connection to the Atlantic Ocean and barges via inland river links to 38 states and the Gulf of Mexico. Due to its critical function, this es ... Read more
The rapid growth of Taiwan has led it to become the 20th largest economic power in the world. With a population of 23 million (about the population of New York), Taiwan has had to expand and upkeep its infrastructure to meet international and local demands. Taiwan's total trade in 2022 reached $907 billion (about $2,800 per person in the US). Both exports and imports for the year reached record levels, totaling $479.52 billion (about $1,500 per person in the US) and $427.60 billion (about ... Read more