When Time and Money are Important - Experience Counts
ICE® is your One-Stop Foundation Shop

ICE® is the largest manufacturer of pile driving and drilling equipment in North America while also having the largest rental fleet in the industry.  We have a global distribution network with one of the most advanced and complete lines of deep foundation equipment available. Deep foundation equipment is our only business.


One-Stop  Foundation Shop

We have the product, where you need it, when you need it, for any job.

Unrivaled Field Experience

We've seen it all.  No matter what your situation we can quickly help you with solutions we know will work.

Powerful, Efficient, Reliable

ICE has the most advanced technology, materials, and manufacturing techniques in the world.

Fast Parts Response

14 locations and over $3 million in parts

Worldwide Support

In addition to 14 U.S. and Canada locations, we have centers in South America, China, and Singapore

Rental or Purchase

All ICE equipment is available for rental or purchase to suit any job or budget requirements.  ICE has the largest rental fleet in the industry.

Customized Solutions

When the job calls for a non-standard solution, we can help.  We know how to modify existing equipment to meet your job requirements to reduce down time.

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