A new bridge between Hampton Beach & Seabrook in NH is being built by Massachusetts contractor, SPS New England Inc. (SPS NE). The $107.5 million project involves replacing the Neil R. Underwood Memorial Bridge, which spans the Hampton River and is being built to the west of the existing bridge. Once opened, it will feature two 11-foot travel lanes, two 6-foot sidewalks, and two 8-foot shoulders to improve traffic flow and accommodate emergency vehicles more efficiently.   ... Read more
The Hanford Viaduct, located in Kings County, California, is currently under construction to bring high-speed rail to commuters of Hanford, CA. The Hanford Viaduct is the largest high-speed rail structure in the Central Valley spanning nearly 6,330 feet (about twice the height of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world). When complete, it will carry high-speed trains over the San Joaquin Valley Railroad and State Route 198. This section of the high-speed rail line will be a par ... Read more
The Interstate 495 (I-495) at Interstate 90 (I-90) interchange in Massachusetts is one of the state's busiest roadway junctions. Currently, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MASSDOT) is in a five-year project to revamp the area including Mass Pike and Interstate 495 interchanges. First responders and local business advocates are excited for the potential benefits, as this $400 million project is the largest in the state and will replace all the ramps on the interchange, ... Read more
New Ferry Terminal in Boca De Chila Nayarit, Mexico
Edited by Debbie Reaney
After almost seven years of negotiations and paperwork, the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (FONATUR) has donated a four-hectare property on Litibú Beach in Punta de Mita to the Naval Secretary of the Mexican Navy to build an advanced naval station. 100 billion Mexican Pesos ($584 Million US) is being invested in the project, which will be financed, in equal parts, by the state, the municipa ... Read more
Updated Bridge in Florida Pan Handle
Edited by Alan Zimmerman
The pan handle of Florida has some of the most diverse and unpredictable weather. Heavy rains, high gusty winds, and baking hot temperatures can lead to the deterioration of man-made structures such as bridges and other infrastructures. Just outside of Holt, FL, a new bridge was built to replace the older two-lane bridge that previously served Santa Rose County residents. This bridge is a part of the Blackwater River State For ... Read more
Wagman Helps Improve Delaware Interchange
Editor: Debbie Reaney
A massive, $284-million interchange project will alter future passenger and freight movement on the East Coast. Along the Mid-Atlantic section of I-95, DelDOT is making numerous improvements to Delaware's segment of the nation's longest north-south Interstate. Geometric design changes, structure rehabilitation, new signage and pavement, roadway widening, and much more will ease congestion ... Read more
Sletten Helps Get MRL Back on Track
Editor: Debbie Reaney
Thanks to the experts at Sletten Construction, Montana Rail Link's (MRL) main line was put back into service in late July after they helped rebuild Reed Point bridge over the Yellowstone River. Reopening more than a week ahead of estimates! The bridge collapsed earlier this summer on June 24, sending 10 cars into the river and derailing an additional seven cars following an overnight bridge ... Read more
Editor: Ashley Steele
The US 21 Bridge in Beaufort County, South Carolina was built under the New Deal Program set up by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1940's. The swing-span bridge was built to put people to work during the Great Depression. It is the only vehicular connection between the mainland of South Carolina and Harbor Island, Fripp Island, and Hunting Island. However, the bridge had many safety concerns as well as rising maintenance costs.
The United Infrastruc ... Read more