Meet the All-New ICE® 16VM!

Meet the All-New ICE® 16VM! (Updated 18ZV)
Editor: Allison Braswell

The outdated pump stations at Marsh Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Geneva, NY are at capacity and cannot accommodate significant new flows unless changes to the WWTP are made. To improve its reliability, the City of Geneva is expanding the WWTP by adding a new pump station. Today's pump stations are designed with more efficient pump/motor/drive combinations, which can be used to match pump speeds to flow rates and therefore lower energy needs and minimize the community's carbon footprint. 

C.O. Falter Construction Corp was hired to drive pile for a cofferdam that would provide soil retention on the job site. Because they are building the new pump station in close proximity to the existing one, the crew wanted to find a Variable Moment vibratory hammer that would not be so heavy that it would shake the cofferdam structure with each blow and cause disturbing vibrations to the soil and surrounding structures. Based on the blow count during a boring test, it was determined that the ICE® 16VM (previously known as the 18ZV) Variable Moment Vibratory Driver/Extractor was the best option for driving double PZ40 sheet piles of 50-55' (ft) lengths at a 30-foot depth for the cofferdam. Three sets of W36 waler beams were attached to the structure to reduce stress on the sheets caused by soil pressure while excavating. 

While the horseshoe-shaped extracting boxes of other variable moment hammers can make mounting outside leads a challenge, the ICE® 16VM was efficiently designed with a lightweight, square extracting box over the transmission that makes the hammer easier to maneuver. This refreshed design allowed for the adjustment of eccentric moment on the job without vibration, greatly reducing disturbances to nearby residencies and businesses. The crane operator reported no transmissions of vibrations back to his crane and said it was the best hammer that he had ever worked with. International Construction Equipment, Inc congratulates C.O. Falter for being the first-ever user of the ICE® 16VM and showcasing the hammer's fitness for urban areas and vibration-sensitive jobs.  

Get to know the ICE® 16VM.

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Posted in Vibratory Pile Hammers. Tagged as #WasteWater, 16VM, Cofferdam, Sheet Pile, Variable Moment Hammer, Zero Resonance.

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