Big Hammer to Stimulate NOLA
Editor: Allison Braswell
Louisiana's transportation system, like every roadway in the USA, is the backbone of the state's economy. Maintaining aging bridges has become more difficult for all State DOTs (Department of Transportation) with the increase in personal vehicles. Built in 1960, the swing bridge over Amite River in French Settlement, LA has seen its fair share of motorists. In fact, it is no longer considered structurally capable of supporting its ... Read more
Editor: Debbie Reaney
Diamond Electric has been installing billboards with the assistance of an ICE® Vibratory Pile Driver/Extractor all over the state of Florida. Based out of Sanford, just north of Orlando, the company specializes in sign and lighting installations; mostly those of the billboard and advertising variety. Once they began using the ICE® vibratory pile driver/extractor for the foundation pipe pile installation, Diamond Electric Signs and Lighting k ... Read more
The ICE® Model 14D can move between three different pile types effectively and efficiently
Editor: Ashley Steele
La Quinta Island, just off the coast of Corpus Christi, Texas is getting a new water drainage control solution. DFI Houston Piling & Hydrovac (aka DFI) was awarded the contract to install pilings for a waterway and a drainage control structure. The job needed equipment that could easily drive three different pile types: H-pile, Double Sheet and Vinyl Pile. DFI ... Read more